Import Data of Ethiopia for O Imports from Romania

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View import data of Ethiopia for o. Customs import data of o which Ethiopia imports from Romania

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Date HS Code Product Description Country Quantity Unit Net Weight in KG CIF Value USD Impoter Name
01-Jan-2082075000. tools for drilling, other than for rock drillingRomania140UNT503960.35*****
01-Jan-2086069100Other railway or tramway goods vans and wagon : covered and closed.Romania1UNT41200173206.21*****
01-Jan-2040103400Endless transmission belts, of trapezoidal crosssection (vbelts),other than vribbRomania380KGM947.6720061.46*****
01-Jan-2085369000Other apparatus for switching... electrical circuits, nes, =<1000 vRomania********143080.71*****
01-Jan-2085045000Other inductors, nesRomania15UNT82129.44*****
01-Jan-2085365000Other switches, nes, =<1000 vRomania26UNT0.56750.05*****
01-Jan-2090318000Other instruments,appliances and machinesRomania1UNT0.18116.83*****
01-Jan-2085365000Other switches, nes, =<1000 vRomania2UNT0.578.38*****
  • You can filter HS Code wise Ethiopia import data from 2-digit, 4-digit and 8-digit by choosing from the list of HS Codes given on left.
  • In this data, You can also filter import records by a particular country, For that you have to choose a country name from the list given on left. These records can help you to keep an eye on trading activities between Ethiopia and other countries.

These shipping records of o given above are only samples for you to gain knowledge on how we provide Ethiopia import data of o and which data fields we cover in it. We also provide other hidden data columns in o import report of Ethiopia including – Ethiopian Importer Name and Ethiopian Exporter Name. So, to get complete o shipping records of Ethiopia imports, fill up our request demo form. Or let us know your data queries via +91 11 4704 8012 or

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