Sample #1 – Hoes And Rakes Importer of Ethiopia
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Importer Name | Country Of Origin | Country Consignment | Quantity |
Unit | Gross Weight | Net Weight | CIF Value ETB | CIF Value USD | Total Tax ETB | Total Tax USD |
01-Jan-20 |
82013000 | .mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes |
HUI CHEN | China |
China | 640 |
UNT | 768 |
750 | 445659 |
13708.37 | 300908.98 |
9258.74 |
Sample #2 – Hoes And Rakes Importer of Ethiopia
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Importer Name | Country Of Origin | Country Consignment | Quantity |
Unit | Gross Weight | Net Weight | CIF Value ETB | CIF Value USD | Total Tax ETB | Total Tax USD |
01-Jan-20 |
82013000 | .mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes |
***** | China |
China | 7200 |
UNT | 6958 |
6958 | 295953 |
9103.45 | 199827.51 |
6148.54 |
Sample #3 – Hoes And Rakes Importer of Ethiopia
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Importer Name | Country Of Origin | Country Consignment | Quantity |
Unit | Gross Weight | Net Weight | CIF Value ETB | CIF Value USD | Total Tax ETB | Total Tax USD |
01-Jan-20 |
82013000 | .mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes |
China | 3529 |
UNT | 1575 |
1575 | 118744 |
3652.54 | 80175.89 |
2466.95 |
Sample #4 – Hoes And Rakes Importer of Ethiopia
Date | HS Code | Product Description | Importer Name | Country Of Origin | Country Consignment | Quantity |
Unit | Gross Weight | Net Weight | CIF Value ETB | CIF Value USD | Total Tax ETB | Total Tax USD |
01-Jan-20 |
82013000 | .mattocks, picks, hoes and rakes |
***** | China |
China | 515 |
UNT | 515 |
515 | 112132 |
3449.15 | 75711.65 |
2329.59 |